2009年11月17日 星期二





自2007年,yahoo奇摩時尚頻道專欄作家圈圈即開始在「是G開頭的…寂寞篇」(http://tw.fashion.yahoo.com/blog/.RgTXQlJcv_Qnzpv31dh1g--/archive/)上創作文章,主打「讓我們來聊聊男生跟男生之間的話題吧!」,並先後成立自己的msn分享空間和無名部落格「躲在角落畫圈圈…」。而玩媒體將其專欄上的文章精選成冊,並於2008年1月出版插畫繪本《伯母好!我是你兒子的男朋友》,緊接著10月又推出第2部作品《櫃子裡的彩虹》。根據玩媒體指出,圈圈的專欄每天平均都有5萬人次瀏覽,而網路總點閱率甚至突破2000萬大關,可說是擄獲了廣大同志族群的心。有趣的是,在現今這個可以輕易點閱電子文本的網路世代裡,圈圈的書卻走向出版一途。本文欲借圈圈以網路專欄文章出書的例子來探討網路上數位化的(digitalized)文本,何以會復返紙本形式,由去實體化(disembodiment)轉向實體化(embodiment)之文學生產路徑,而此思考方向正是後人類理論家N. Katherine Hayles在How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics(1999)一書中提出的。透過分析一連串的科學實驗與假說,Hayles的主要目的之一即是要破除後人類論述中相信機器能同人類一般思考,甚至有一天將取代肉身的神話。Hayles傾向將科學實驗的進程也視為一種敘事(narrative),而敘事就是「瓦解」後人類論述所言之肉身不需要存在並將其「重組」為物質性(materiality)的重要關鍵。科學實驗與假說一旦失去敘事的支持,就不可能為讀者所理解,因為任何機器能取代肉身的科學假說都還是必須借助人類之口而說出。相同地,Hayles也提出在文學的場域中,紙本(print text)作為文學敘事的物質性基礎也是不可或缺的,不可能被電子文本所取代。從網路專欄文章到紙本出版,圈圈以電腦鍵盤敲下的一篇篇愛情故事宛若也被賦予了實體化的文本身體(textual corpus)。透過此個案分析,本文指出圈圈的酷兒敘事與其文本身體是酷兒政治多樣性的實踐方式之一。


Towards a Posthuman Queer:
(Dis)Embodiment of Wan-ji Chen’s Blog, Column, and Print Texts

Yuan-yang Wang
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University

As a columnist of Yahoo and a blogger, Wan-ji Chen has been writing lots of articles in “Initial G…On Being Lonely” (http://tw.fashion.yahoo.com/blog/.RgTXQlJcv_Qnzpv31dh1g--/archive/), focusing on the feature “Let’s Have a Men’s Talk” since 2007. He also keeps writing on his personal MSN space firstly and later on the blog of Wretch. In January 2008, his articles in the column were collected and published as a book with illustrations by himself entitled Nice to Meet You! Madam, I’m Your Boy’s Boyfriend. His second work, Rainbow inside the Cabinet, was published in October in the same year. According to One Media, the publisher, the average of surfing Wan-ji’s column via the Internet reach over 50,000 people per day, and his column and blog become the platform of gay community. Nowadays, in such a digital age, reading columns via the Internet is much easier than by hard copies. This paper aims to explore Wan-ji’s hypertexts and his print texts, which exemplify a reversal from disembodiment to embodiment. In N. Katherine Hayles’s How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics (1999), she argues that disembodiment after all is a kind of discourse through the scientists and researcher’s “narrative.” For Hayles, it is narrative that “materializes” the discourse of “immaterial” in a sense of humanity. Hayles takes print texts as examples to elucidate the necessity of materiality in the realm of literature. The textual corpus will never disappear, as well as the human flesh will never be substituted by machine in a sense of posthumanism. Instead, print texts will persist as long as human beings keep the faculty of narrative. From hypertexts to print texts, each of Wan-ji’s on-line love story gains its textual corpus. The case study of Wan-ji implies one of the multiple ways for practicing queer politics by the queer narrative and its textual corpus.


Wan-ji Chen, narrative, embodiment, disembodiment

2 則留言:

  1. 遠洋,好久不見,我是好握。

    你文中提到:"the average of surfing Wan-ji’s column via the Internet reach over 50,000 people per day, and his column and blog become the platform of gay community." 其中 "the average of surfing Wan-ji’s column via the Internet" 的動詞我想應該是用第三人稱單數形的 "reaches" ,而 "his column and blog become the platform of gay community"一句中的 "platform" 似乎用複數形 "platforms" 較為妥貼。拙見請參考。

    研討會加油! :>
