2008年12月22日 星期一

18th Annual Graguate Conference on East Asia at Columbia University未錄取

週日下午4點26分,正當我在上身心靈平衡課程的時候,哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)東亞語言與文化學系就這樣在週六凌晨1點26分神不知鬼不覺地寄發了研討會審查結果通知。e-mail穿越了美國東岸9小時的時差到了台灣──

Dear Yuan-yang Wang,

We are sorry to inform you that we could not incorporate yoursubmission into our graduate conference. Both a blessing and a curse, thenumber and quality of applicants greatly exceeded our expectations. Theselection process was long and full of disagreement, with members of thereview committee often fiercely defending many of the submissionsunfortunately not selected. Since we realize that the number of applicantshas forced us to respectfully decline many outstanding submissions, we bothapologize for this bad news but also urge you to apply for next year's Graduate Student Conference on East Asian at Columbia University. Have a happy holidays, and we sincerely thank you for applying to our graduatestudent conference.

Warmest regards,
The Conference Organizers

繼上次投稿芝加哥大學(University of Chicago)英文系的研究生研討會之後,我又吃了哥倫比亞大學的閉門羹。這麼一回想起來,當時竟然能錄取北卡大學阿什維爾校區(University of North Carolina at Asheville)的一般性國際會議,還跟老師們一起發表論文真是詭異。但畢竟芝加哥大學跟哥倫比亞大學的全美排名都超前面,加上可能也是論文題材的關係。好吧。我承認我從博士班研究計畫裡抽出王禎和的那個部分去投稿,是比起非裔美國小說的部分來得虛很多。不過再怎麼說我的本行還是非裔美國小說,比較台灣現代派小說是個失心瘋的念頭,但我還是想這麼做。美國人還是不忘記鼓勵失敗的人繼續投稿,這點我喜歡。晚上陪媽媽又看了一次很美式的《變形金剛》(Transformers),看完後繼續修改碩士論文的第1章。非常喜歡西亞李畢福(Shia LaBeouf),不過也只是看看罷了,我知道他是straight type。結果博士班的研究計畫投稿踢到了第1次鐵板──接下來1個月還有3場國內的研討會通知。到底我腦海中的這份研究能不能做得下去啊……

